Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers out there, though its officially tomorrow. And I am so envious of my sister because she need not go to school. :S Anyhows I went back to my sec sch after my morning lesson, but somehow most of the teachers left. So sad can?! Haven't seen them for the longest time. So we(my sec sch mates) suggested on dinner on Saturday with our Physics teacher. Coolness... I hope they won't cancel it again during the very last minute.
Lessons ends at 12 tomorrow. Still thinking whether I should head home before meeting my friends at 6pm or spend some time in the school library doing my research then off to Far East to get my extensions done(i miss them already).?? Decisions... What colour should I get?
I scored an A for visual elements class. I am so happy... I mean like its really hard to get a score like this unless your grade is 80+ and above. YAY! And right now I am so frickin motivated to do all my assignments. I'll be starting on my marker rendering later on. Haven't touch that for the longest time since I sucked at it. But practise makes perfect!
Let me be long winded a bit. I was surfing the net for shoes and I came across this

nice right? It's so tempting can but I can't find it here.. The only colours available are the basics. Boo!...
Meeting friends tomorrow, heading to Chomp Chomp for dinner. Wee! Sambal stingray here I come! Drools!