anyways, i'm now left with my a2 size charcoal drawing for design drawing. will be killing time in school by doing it. a2 size are really killer especially filling in the background since lecturers never liked plain or one with only one tone. more detailed work has to be done. i am so not in the mood to do the boxes that i've to complete by wednesday for lim's class. it's hell i tell you, and he has exceptionally high expectations of his students which i think isn't good coz he'll be strict in his grading and i got like a miserable 45 and 35 for the 2 previous assignment. crap!
well alrights i think i need to go get a shower to wake myself up and then off to school to get my standee and poster printed. there might be lotsa nafa students hoovering around print shops later, so i better keep my fingers crossed and hopefully my standee will be what i want and not the other way round which happened on saturday(the background was gone and it was left with a "X").
tatas and i'll hopefully upload pics of my project. actually i'm quite satisfied with it considering being a freehand idiot!