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Showing posts from 2009

From Osaka with love

Blogging from Osaka. The weather here is about 10 degrees and The weather here is about 10 degrees and the 3 hour shinkansen ride was boring but it all 3 hour shinkansen ride was boring but it all paid well enough after getting here. not only is the hotel awesome, but i manage to get hold of a pair of Lady Dragon melissa shoes from Vivienne Westwood, but I still have 2 items on my checklist still unchecked.. apparently my feet is too big to purchase shoes of such sizes here. Tomorrow we:ll most probably be heading to the Aquarium. Well most probably be heading to the Aquarium. Well nothing has been planned on this trip so everything is base on a day to day basis. Ha so much for living it loud here for 2 weeks, I feel exhausted. It could be just me but somehow people tend to be grumpier as the season gets colder, or it could be how they mistake us for capital C, which is sick to the bones sometimes.Imagine a total change in attitude when they know you are total chane in attitude when th...

Breakfast morning

Living the day off with awesome relaxing audio books and Mac breakfast. It has been ages since I had my bite on the Big Breakfast. It's such a sinful morning and living to the quote 「Breakfast like a king」.

New .

I'm bringing back 「Rilakkuma Chronicles」 but on a fortnightly basis. And also introducing a new segment of my blog 「TGIF ♥」. (and yes the heart symbol is part of the title, it's not just some canny symbol for decor purposes only) * * * I've been on a little break recently. Starting to prepare myself for my trip back to Japan this year for Winter, and so as to speak I still have many things undone, and some people still think I'm very free. It's time to try taking total ownership of your time, it isn't an elastic playground where you think they will wait for you on a day to day basis. This week is jam pack and I think there are some meet ups in which I may be turning down last minute, I'm sorry. Till our next meet up in 2010, I wish you all A MERRY XMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Cool! I had my flu injection just earlier yesterday. TGIF y'all! Well anyways, I was up around town as mentioned on the earlier entry. Aside from hunting for present, I went shoe shopping again! Partially because my feet were hurting from that pair of white sandal wedge that I wore, so I opted for a pair of Leopard Printed flats from ALDO that were going on 10% off with UOB. :D I love that! Heels are still first loves. I think there isn't a girl who doesn't love their heels. Not forgetting Kinokuniya-san. I bought the Tsubasaism book, it's almost a year since it's released. I don't know what really intrigues me about her, but somehow I like whole package brought together. Both a successful model, mom, wife and whats not to love? Not to mention eye catchingly cute with a good sense of fashion. A second run to Etude House got me 2 packets of Hydro sheet mask that were out-of-stock on the previous visit. My skin has been a desert lately. Bad skin days are back, I ...


My sport shoes decides to retire on me yesterday, but luckily thats when i was walking home. How unsightly it was, but oh well. Happy girl saying a big big thank you to Freya for the wonderful package received today! Lotsa love and hug goes out to you, and hope you're doing really well back in Shanghai. Till we meet again! Shall not forget what I promise you when I head back to Tokyo this year round. ♥ One of the craziest person ever who loves make-up as much as I do. But I'm much lazier. These are so wonderful... I've wanted them since the Sep issue of ViVi, that was about 4 months back! OMFG! I can't believe that either. Tomorrow will be another boring day, aside from getting my flu jab, I'll be heading town after to pick up some stuffs and then IDK. Yes really, I've totally no idea what will happen after that, I guess I'll just go with the flow. Oh yes I do need to start packing for Japan! I'm just a week away almost! I'm excited, very that I can...


mr. bunny I'm comfortably numb this moment. Time ticking away and before you know it, morning draws near. Tomorrow marks the beginning and end. How time flies, and with the wink of an eye, you aged 20 years. So what comes next? 今日はJLPT3の試験だ 皆さん頑張ってね! 連取どう? また!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!


ALL SMILES. Hope everyone taking the JLPT this Sunday is coping well and studying hard. Please do not neglect your sleep too, it's as important as studying hard. :) I'm sure all of us will get through it together!!! Saturday, and not feeling any adrenaline rush about the exam at all, well.. am actually Flickr-ing. Anyone out there uses? Add me! Though I'm still not a full-fledged OTAKU on it yet, but I'm sure get down dirty soon. p/s:If you are wondering whats with the smile about, it's for the McHappy Day, Ronald McDonald Children Charity.

_ _ _ _

It's just a matter of 3 days, but surprisingly I'm not feeling the jitters which I usually do at this moment just even by mentioning. I'm off to lala-land. Shall update more on the UNIQLO event tomorrow. Nite folks.

Pink Power

It was a 5 minute decision after dinner when I decided we should stop by Dr. Martens outlet at the Orchard Central. It wasn't rash since it was already under my wanted list. And since Sin* decided she's getting her blacks, so why not?! And now I'm in love. We had a lovely Kimchi dinner at the Orchard Central's Korean restaurant. Short revision at Liat's Starbucks with a Grande cuppachino. The a/c seems to be F.O.C, somehow. ♥Saturday♥ Last class of 2009 with 伊綿先生. It's going to be really awkward without classes on Saturday. Bernice & I decided that we should do an early Christmas card for her. FROM: Bernice, Shi han and Stephanie. Liya was absent. Doodling from Dunkin*Donuts on the inside. I do quite miss drawing little caricature in this style, since adopting a new one along the way. I was thinking of an infusion but I think I need to give it a go to see how things turn out. Somehow it reminds me of what Sin said "style evolves. your style is depicte...

Shouts black!

Who says black is boring? I'm digging every outfit from Stigmata . And it's going to be on my Tokyo shopping list. I can never get such nice blacks over here, with such unique cut & style.


I guess it wasn't a hard decision to make, just that the thoughts that I've been thinking, putting me through a huge dilemma of nothingness. There are just simple things in this world that I shouldn't be worrying about, but am. This is paranoia. Think, do then ponder. Time to do what is ought to be done! Ttyl!


シンチャンとあたしのウサチャン Impulse buy at the Build-A-Bear workshop earlier this evening. Such a nice weather, and decided it should not be wasted at home. Just too cute to resist!

That's how it went.

Resting my tired legs after a whole day out at Orchard Road. Having temporary brain freeze from the mock test earlier on in the afternoon during Japanese lesson. Kino is such a stress reliever, especially when there is a 20% discount going on store wide for members till today!! And of course I couldn't resist but bought a couple of mangas upon the visit. I cannot resist, but I've to post this! Cute right? Finally it came together with other stuffs from my other from last month. I'm still currently waiting for the small table. I foresee it being really cute. Haha! It's going to be another busy day today, 皆、頑張って!


Facebook is getting boring, Poupee doesn't want to entertain me. It refuses to upload my photos onto the server, & I'm despo for ribbons. This is not happening to me!! We love Peppermint Moccha Frappe! Good entertainment with awesome pianos at Yamaha.. they're having sale, if any of you wanna purchase one!! HURRY! Oh that reminds me, I need to search for "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy". LOVES. Such a coincidence that when I was purchasing something for Mom at M&S that this chic eco bag caught my eyes. @_@ TWIGGY, how love is that? So got to have it! And the reminiscences it brings. I remember first stumbling upon pictures of her on a torn out Barbie book that I had purchased at the "Big Book Shop" earlier when I was about 7. Rilakkuma's arrival for collection, I've been waiting for this for quite a while... I still want Duffy bear from TDS. I can't believe I sound like a kid this moment. >. TTYL


Come to think of it, I don't even remember the last time that I've sat down with a good novel on hand. Probably, I'll be starting with that weekly ritual again. I miss good books.! The weather has been terrible, but today was an exception. Great sunlight, just dull clouds hovering with rain during the evening. I need sleep..

Moring Sunshine

お早うみんなさん〜 Greeted by the awesome weather this morning. Last night was pretty cold, my windows were widely open and I had to wear a sweater to sleep so I don't catch the chills. But then I didn't turn in until 3am, so hopeless. Hope everyone is well. I'll be catching Winter @ Tokyo and Osaka this year, together with S.H. to bring in Christmas & New Year's. It's all excitement, but the 2 weeks also mean that I've to start saving a bit for the 2 months not spending on rubbish, well.. I'll never know if I can hold on to those temptations out there! Totally the shopaholic attitude. Sensei gave us a pack of "lucky pencils" to be use during the upcoming mock test & JLPT 3 exam. I think it's really cute that it have got our names printed on it and everything. Such a nice gesture from our school. I like that! It also means more time dedicated to study is needed, instead of hanging out so much, this 3 weeks are crucial for me, so I'm sorry if...

Clearing out clothes

Just cleared out some clothes for the Salvation ARMY collection on Friday. Unwanted, but wearable clothes definitely. Anyways I'm still thinking about flu vaccine before my trip, but I'll most likely not be taking it. I'm such a muddle head and I can't stand for the fact that I'm worrying so much even before my trip. This is insane! 11.11, mom's & Grandma's birthday. We had a mini celebration at her place this evening, with good food, but my stomach felt so empty at 12 something that I've to have another round of noodle and boiled carrots. I think I'm starting to get an addiction to carrots again! Though grandma knows how much I love baby carrots! But apparently they are processed makes it scary. Tomorrow's Thursday, like finally! After so long, will be meeting up Sam. Anyways I'm off to LALA land. Take care folks, stay in the pink of health.

Happy . like lark!

Call me superstitious but somehow I think I'd rather believe. Apparently, it's said not to use a cup when it's chip. It happen that I was washing the previous Starbucks mug I was using and I accidentally knocked it against the sink. So I've been using it for a while now, and it happen so a series of unfortunate events decide to come knocking on my door. Well it could just be me thinking too much, but anyways I've got rid of it as of today, since I got myself a new one, and I rather like it more than the older one. Aside from that silly superstition, I've been well. Went City-halling today with Sin. It's just such a chill-out place during the weekdays, even though with APEC and everything happening, it doesn't seem to affect the crowd flow. Got myself a lovely skull ring, courtesy of DIVA, which is much love by our ladies, don't we? Not only so, and a new black ZARA wrap around coat, which took me ages just to get the right cut and style to fit my sil...

Mags are L.O.V.E

「This is It」was awesome. I still can't grasp the fact that MJ isn't here with us anymore. It's sad how people believe fabricated lies about the man, and he gave us so much in return and helping others. And it's true that I don't really feel that he's gone. Throughout the whole movie, I paid extra attention to his jackets, they sum up at simply fabulous! There is no one who can do shoulder pads without looking weird, but he does it with style! And that white collared-studded-black-leather-jacket is a to die for! I got my dose of POPTEEN just earlier this evening after ticket collection, December issues are always the best ever issue throughout the year. Tomorrow I'll stop by Borders to see if TeenVogue is in. Magazines are a girl's choice of read. Like I mentioned on Tweeter, the new collection of Jimmy Choo X H&M, I have to say, I need and want every single piece in my wardrobe right this minute! But then again, we are sad people not to have one here...

Crap and moan

It's true that people in general, which includes me doesn't blog as much anymore. Why do you need to when you've got Twitter now. It's just simply awesome how you can actually get updates about your friends or whose ever tweet you're following by the minute, and I mean literally. On a side note, this week has pretty much mundane, not high nor low, just the usual day in day out life you're getting. Not that I'm complaining much. Isn't life just about work and family when you grow older, and you've lesser friends in counting too. Which in actual fact I think it's one of the sorriest thing ever being human. I don't see we can't put more initiative in doing things when some others put in so much effort just to bring everyone together. I'm guilty at times though, but still lazy and tired isn't the best excuse. I'm thinking of Scrapbooking. There is this awesome new shop at the Basement of Raffles City which used to be ROXY. It'...

Pop that pill

Rainy afternoon yet again. What's with the weather.. and it's not helping me stay awake either. Was inspired last night, so I started doodling away on another illustration piece entitled: The starry night . It's always the case of hide-and-seek with creative drive & inspiration. I get them at a spur of the moment, and if I do grab a pencil & paper, the thing will just vanish, and I'll have to wait hours for it to happen again. Thats just life, so I'll have to deal with it. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Together with Shihan & Liya, we'll be catching This is It , which I bet many of you had already watched it. It's ok, and I don't mind waiting to watch. Some upcoming events that I wouldn't be missing out on: ♥Kitty Lab ♥AFA (aka. Anime Fest. Asia) ♥TDA (aka. The Doll Affair) Till the next post ... CIAO♥


My newest addiction -- Vocaloids "Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer application software developed by the Yamaha Corporation that enables users to synthesize singing by typing in lyrics and melody." (Wiki) I so wanna cosplay this!!! It's easy for starters, just a pop of the wig, headphones and black dresses and you're done.

Not the last

Well retard as it sounds, since my last dated entry was in 2006 which made an official hiatus on "" a total of almost 3 years!! How awesome that I actually still have effing details of my every bitching since my teenage life! I'M OFFCIALLY BACK to this blog but with a new URL, which have yet to uncover, so this helps for the time being. Gruesome details soon! It's not helping... the weather I mean. She needs her sleep, so... Mmm