Call me superstitious but somehow I think I'd rather believe. Apparently, it's said not to use a cup when it's chip. It happen that I was washing the previous Starbucks mug I was using and I accidentally knocked it against the sink. So I've been using it for a while now, and it happen so a series of unfortunate events decide to come knocking on my door. Well it could just be me thinking too much, but anyways I've got rid of it as of today, since I got myself a new one, and I rather like it more than the older one.
Aside from that silly superstition, I've been well. Went City-halling today with Sin. It's just such a chill-out place during the weekdays, even though with APEC and everything happening, it doesn't seem to affect the crowd flow.

Got myself a lovely skull ring, courtesy of DIVA, which is much love by our ladies, don't we?
Not only so, and a new black ZARA wrap around coat, which took me ages just to get the right cut and style to fit my silhouette. Gosh, it just could be the luck of the new mug already! TSK**