It was a 5 minute decision after dinner when I decided we should stop by Dr. Martens outlet at the Orchard Central. It wasn't rash since it was already under my wanted list. And since Sin* decided she's getting her blacks, so why not?! And now I'm in love. We had a lovely Kimchi dinner at the Orchard Central's Korean restaurant. Short revision at Liat's Starbucks with a Grande cuppachino. The a/c seems to be F.O.C, somehow. ♥Saturday♥ Last class of 2009 with 伊綿先生. It's going to be really awkward without classes on Saturday. Bernice & I decided that we should do an early Christmas card for her. FROM: Bernice, Shi han and Stephanie. Liya was absent. Doodling from Dunkin*Donuts on the inside. I do quite miss drawing little caricature in this style, since adopting a new one along the way. I was thinking of an infusion but I think I need to give it a go to see how things turn out. Somehow it reminds me of what Sin said "style evolves. your style is depicte...
oh my sweet days