Mr. Emo decides to pop out of his box these couple of days to keep me company. This is his first breath of fresh air in 2010!!! OMG, he has been so lazy... and does not want to change his clothes either... I smell a stanch somewhere. Hmmm! LOL
Just 2 weeks before his birthday, clothes, shoes? Well I'll make the decision this time not him. :P

AND... I received my Hello Kt make-up trunk today. How awesome is this! Finally all my cosmetics can be stored in one proper place without getting lost in the many pouches. It's indeed a good start to 2010!! Imagine that I was thinking on Spring Cleaning when I've no idea how to deal with my cosmetics, and the next thing, this came! It saved me! Loving the accented ribbons on the top and the graphics, and on top of that, the colour and heart shaped mirror inside.
Love y'all.
