*no relevance to article.
No nervous breakdown required today.
It has been a really long while that I actually pull myself up from bed willingly at about 6:30am in the morning. A little revision, a good breakfast and I'm good to go.
liking the weather a lot lately, though the frequent downpour do dampens the mood, but anyhoo it does makes the weather feel cooler which is definitely not a bad thing right? Starting to pig out on breakfast at this moment on jelly sandwiches. I haven't had them since years.. god knows why, probably cos I've been waking up so late that its time for lunch. LOL.
This hyped up mood is good actually. Meh what shall I do after exams... now thats a decision to make maybe I shall go purchase some good mangas home to read. I hate reading mangas online. They are so annoying.
Ok la I'm signing off here. T.C.!