My hardworking streak is back!! I'm updatig another entry tonight about the meet up that I was invited to by Sam(thanks love). Yea! It was much dun and got to meet many really interesting people.
The welcome gifts were much love. Felt the genourousity of Thank you for the wonderful food and drinks and not forgetting prizes.!

Lovely table setting and welcome gifts.

Miss Yuko, chief of 8tokyo and Miss translator, sorry I forgot the name :(

Mitsubachi tote bag.

Rilakkuma pilot g-tec in black.

Food for the soul.

Spot fumo-fumo usagi san desuka??

A prank.
♥Stephanie on iPhone
The welcome gifts were much love. Felt the genourousity of Thank you for the wonderful food and drinks and not forgetting prizes.!

Lovely table setting and welcome gifts.

Miss Yuko, chief of 8tokyo and Miss translator, sorry I forgot the name :(

Mitsubachi tote bag.

Rilakkuma pilot g-tec in black.

Food for the soul.

Spot fumo-fumo usagi san desuka??

A prank.
♥Stephanie on iPhone