Decide to start off the afternoon with some fun. Here is thr infamous Rilakkuma, in his well "monthly" chronicles that Ive started about a year ago and discontinued, but hope he's here to stay now..

He was found on the ground drape with cloth I wonder what was he doing. Anyways those are my unworn washed jeans. Lol! Maybe he decided that he wanted to try out my skinnies and head out shopping, instead of being cooped up in my room since the day I got him.. Oops!
That aside. I headed back to "Tea Cosy" for late tea with my lovely friends/classmates Han and Liya. Amazingly humourous and fun people those two.

Here is a panoramic view of the place. Awesome isn't it, but I feel that the service can be improved.

An awesome picnic at thr Botanic Garden on Labour Day. Fantastic weather, good company, delicious food!!
Some shopping spree on stationeries. I'm such a freak when it comes to cute things. Think is just a girls' trait isn't it?

A perk-me-up from studying.♥
And time for tea.
♥Stephanie on iPhone

He was found on the ground drape with cloth I wonder what was he doing. Anyways those are my unworn washed jeans. Lol! Maybe he decided that he wanted to try out my skinnies and head out shopping, instead of being cooped up in my room since the day I got him.. Oops!
That aside. I headed back to "Tea Cosy" for late tea with my lovely friends/classmates Han and Liya. Amazingly humourous and fun people those two.

Here is a panoramic view of the place. Awesome isn't it, but I feel that the service can be improved.

An awesome picnic at thr Botanic Garden on Labour Day. Fantastic weather, good company, delicious food!!
Some shopping spree on stationeries. I'm such a freak when it comes to cute things. Think is just a girls' trait isn't it?

A perk-me-up from studying.♥
And time for tea.
♥Stephanie on iPhone