Its been a while. I'm at the verge of turning into a zombie. Everything is rather complicated or should I say that I'm getting things in my life back in order.
Many things happen for a reason. People come and go, there's never forever. We just need to learn to treasure the present, let go of the past and look forward into the future with both an open heart and mind. Something that happened last month taught me a valuable lesson, it's not too late to start, but there's definitely gonna be lotsa obstacles and negative response during this change. Thank you obachan, I love u. Your fighting spirit at such an age really gt me. And just a simple thank you cannot express much but pls get well soon!!
I've been swaying back and forth. I know I'm no longer 23, but there's just some parts of me that I feel unbearable of letting go. But there's this other 25 year old emerging.
Will get back afresh soon. Goig for a hiatus to sort my life's shuffle.
Meantime, stay healthy!