I'm actually bored right now. Finally I'm off the course. Pretty informative as usual, but hopefully that I put 'em to some good use. Aside that bland weekend, I scored a new MacBook Pro on Saturday. It's just me & Windows, we don't get along hand-in-hand. So sad. But definitely not complaining about the whole love-affair with Mac. I'm sold since my first PowerBk 6 years ago.

The stuff ordered from Shopbop came today. New aviators from Marc by Marc. Obsession with shades & shoes & bags.. what else next? Laptop bags??
Crap, there is just so much to update that I'm lost in this sea of thoughts as usual thinking what should come first & next... I've lost this ability of blogging.. OH! I signed up for a LOOKBOOK account but I've yet to even post a decent photo of myself in decent dressing these few weeks. Somehow I'm still having those mood swings anyhow, & it does affect my choice of dressing too!