Alright, at least this coming week would be a bliss hopefully. Monday, spending time with my cliques to celebrate my birthday, Thursday, getting a new cell phone. The current one is screwed and Saturday off to Sentosa to spent time at the beach and yes, chalet. But then I am just spending one night there. Mom is going to be so pleased, coz I won't be using the net. Hopefully all these are going to cheer me up.
Well I haven't touch the compo that I told you guys about. Procrastinating again. Sighs... this is really a bad sign. But what can I do about it. I am always the kind of girl who never did things before hand. And a girl who worries and did last minute stuffs. Sometimes I find myself such a pain in the ass, I just can't be discipline enough to get things done the way I planned. Anyhow, I am starting to get busy. Study, study, study and study.....