how careless can i be? burned two fingers while using the glue gun, cut my pinky and leg while doing the A2 structure. a total klutz. and while i was having break, took a can of 100 plus from the fridge and the bottom one dropped on my right toe. what a day.

last minute work yesterday till today. reached school at almost 3:30pm. thank god dad gave me a lift to school since his office is somewhere near there. i can't imagine spending another $15.00 for taxi fare again. scored an a+. the teacher is really lenearn about grades.
walked all the way to PS to catch a cab home. everyone was staring at my work. felt really uneasy about it. i almost flipped when the wind blew my structure, thought it was gonna fall off the mounting board. i don't ever wanna do it again. i've spent many hours on it and its enough. the place is in a total mess right now, i need to clean it up.