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Showing posts from June, 2003
Bonkers! Tried to sleep but couldn't. So thought of updating, since I've told myself many times that I am going to do this frequently and yet I haven't stick to it. Seems like everyone is busy preparing for school and so on. And for me, it's like intensive revision all the way until November. Sheesh... just received my entry proof not long ago by mail. Damn the mother tongue oral is like 15 days away and the listening is like this coming Saturday. Fast or what! Didn't really do much in the afternoon. Woke up at like around 1pm then I went to meet my cousin and head down to Bugis for the individual photoshoot. It was really fun and everything and the people there are really nice especially the photographer. She's mental! In a good way of cos. She's like one of the most extroverted and humourous person around that I ever come across and all her jokes are pretty lame but damn funny! LOL. And we might be going out like next week to get the hair straighterner thi...
Boring boring boring.... math tuition was supposed to start at 2:30pm but the tutor isn't here yet. So I'll just do a short and quick update. Maybe later during the even I'll come back to do a proper update. Went to catch Charlie's Angels Full Throttle yesterday at Lot 1. There wasn't really that many people in the cinema. But it was the huge one. Most of the people were seated at the back. We got the last row middle seats. How cool can that be. We were totally not blocked but anyone and there wasn't anyone seating beside me so thats really cool and everything. The movie wasn't bad. Worth the $7.50. I'll definitely recommend anyone who wants to catch it. Go watch it now! Later, I'll be meeting Sam and Rachel. I've to bring my cam along. Anyhow I can hear rumbling of the thunder guess it's going to rain soon. Ciao, tutor's here.
Apologies! I haven't been updating frequently these days. Have been pretty busy for the past few days. Class gathering at the beach on Saturday at the beach. It was really fun, though the next day my whole body was aching like hell. Played games like volleyball, captain's ball, frisbee and even kayaking. I am only good at 3 except for volleyball. I can only hit the ball high up and not across the net. Sighs. Frisbee was really funny. Felix landed on top of me when I dived for the frisbee, and he was like saying "Beware of her, she dives!" There was like a forfeit if the monkey aka Felix caught the frisbee. My knee was bruised after that but still it was fun! Kayaking was ok. Angeline did not really kayak and god she's heavy all right and I did most of the paddling. No wonder in between my thumb and index finger was bruised too. There was like this Kid's Central Carnival going on then and it was crowded especially the toilets. So the girls ended up showering i...
So it's like 9am in the morning the phone kept ringing non-stop till 10am until I picked it up. Damn, it was my cousin's younger sister looking for my sis. How many times have I to tell her that my sis isn't around. Argh, it's not like 15min 1 phone call but 1 phone call every minute. It really got on my nerves! Know what? I really do appreciate one and every who posted comments on the tag board or about the blog. I read all your comments though I seldom reply to it, if I've got the time I'll reply to each and everyone though sometimes it isn't necessary lol. Really feel happy when I get lotsa comments each time I visit my own webby. Haha... Math tuition is going to start at 11am today. So early! Later on during the day, I am meeting up with Bernise and Ana. We are going shopping at Bugis Junction. I haven't been there lately. The place that I frequent would be Orchard. It's like my second home now. And last week I broke my own record by going there ...
Seriously speaking I don't really have anything to update about, but to keep this blog going I guess it's best I did. Anyhow there isn't really much to talk about in my life, it's simply just boring. It's either a day at Orchard or a day at home. Not schooling now just self studying at home to prepare myself for the O level. And another thing, this is my own "private" space. I do what I like. I am sorry if I bitch a lot in my blog. That is just me. Sometimes it's really hard to think about what to type in here. Talking about my daily life would be boring so I added in little thoughts going through in my mind. Sometimes I just get carried away like always. Look at my previous blogs, I think it's seriously boring for the viewers like you to read don't you think? Talking about my outing alone... well I wasn't really in the mood to type then. I knew I shouldn't but I don't know why I still did. I have been thinking a lot lately. Especia...
So yeah, I'm working on the new additions to my site now. It will take sometime for them to be up since I am procrastinating badly on them. Anyway, if you people have any ideas or what so ever, give comments ya? So its like I went to Orchard again today. Nothing much. Mom gave me 20 bucks so I've got like a total of 50 bucks to spend. So I just went around to check what I can buy with the 50 bucks. Should have save it, but did not. I am just so obsessed with shopping and so it's hard to quit. Bought a purse for my sis. She likes it loads. Ok, this is like the first time I've ever got her something on a shopping trip. She should be happy. But anyhow, she thought it was her birthday present. I didn't tell her that she's going to expect something else for her birthday and not that. Surprises are just so much better don't you agree? Bernise was so tired just walking for erm 2 hours and she slept for 10 freaking hours whereas I got 6 hours of sleep and still ener...
Went to the ktv today without any money. But thank god my aunt gave me 50 bucks. I am left with $30 now. Thats how broke I am. My allowence won't be until next week. Anyway, didn't really sing much today... chinese songs... haha like I understand every single word. I don't even though I am a chinese. Thats how bad my chinese is, I've gotta buck up in order to get better grades since I am re taking it. Sighs! Well, woke up this morning and turining the room upside down, but still can't find my student ez link. I don't even know where the hell I dump it. Ha guess my room is too messy. But I tidied it, and there's still no sign of it anywhere.! I want my ez link card back! haha. Tuition tomorrow from 10:45am -12:45pm. Guess the teacher will be late once again. He seems to be never on time. Anyway, I've been sleeping quite early nowadays and waking up at 9/8am. Isn't that a good sign?! OK! Gotta go find my ez link! Ciao!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've just been too lazy to care about blogging lately. Too busy going out and so on and when I reached home, I am already half dead, because I've been reaching home late. Seems that I've been going down to Orchard everyday except on Monday, since I had to accompany my cousin to her interview or something and after she got the job she was like in cloud 9, you couldn't do anything to make her angry. Met up with my pri school classmates too. Instead of the party, we just walk around at Orchard once again but this time it was much more fun and when I got home, my cheeks were even much more sore than my feet. Amazing huh, since we laughed too much.We went to NYDC at Wheelock for dinner. Ordered some pasta, it tasted really good. We spent almost an hour there laughing and stuffs and we were seem to be like in the center on attention. But it was really funny thinking and talking about what we did during pri sch. Sheila was like telling me "D...