Apologies! I haven't been updating frequently these days. Have been pretty busy for the past few days. Class gathering at the beach on Saturday at the beach. It was really fun, though the next day my whole body was aching like hell. Played games like volleyball, captain's ball, frisbee and even kayaking. I am only good at 3 except for volleyball. I can only hit the ball high up and not across the net. Sighs. Frisbee was really funny. Felix landed on top of me when I dived for the frisbee, and he was like saying
"Beware of her, she dives!" There was like a forfeit if the monkey aka Felix caught the frisbee. My knee was bruised after that but still it was fun! Kayaking was ok. Angeline did not really kayak and god she's heavy all right and I did most of the paddling. No wonder in between my thumb and index finger was bruised too. There was like this Kid's Central Carnival going on then and it was crowded especially the toilets. So the girls ended up showering in public. With our bathing suits of coz. Yup we did everything. Washed our hair and body with soap and shampoo. We even changed at the spot. With towels wrapped around the person who was changing and the rest making sure no one can see. I could see many guys staring at the far end but I doubt they were able to see anything since it was dark as well. Caught the monorail and went back to harbourfront. Half of them left for home and the rest of us including me went for dinner at the food court. Most of the stores were already closed by then, so we had no choice but to eat the same thing. The rice was so hard and seriously speaking, the food wasn't delicious at all. Reached home at 11plus pm and slept. Haha.. was si tired. For the next 2 days, I could barely move because my whole body was aching due to lack of exercise!
Yesterday, I went out with Ana to Orchard. It was her birthday yesterday. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY GURLIE! We had lunch at Wheelock's NYDC restaurant and both of us ordered baked rice. WARNING: If you are ever going to order their baked rice, be sure that you are really hungry, because it is really filling. If not, go for the pasta instead! Both of us couldn't finish our food. And we didn't even had anything for dinner as well since we wern't hungry at all. And when I burped, I could still taste the baked rice. Ok I know, this is gross. Haha....
After that we went down to Far East and she got her hair washed at the saloon then we went down to Level 1 to have our fingers manicured. It was really fast compared to what I've thought. After that we went over to Wisma cuz her friend's gf couldn't decide on a wallet. Haha... and after that off to Taka to get her pendent. Then to Heeren to find her water bottle. But sadly, she couldn't find the color she wanted. So we left for PS.
Bought quite a number of things today mostly in pink again. I am getting obsessed with the color pink now thanks to all my friends cuz they are also crazy about it. Took neoprints once again. I'll upload them when I get them scanned. Shoelaces for my sneakers. 2 keychains from PS which are really cute. They've words on them which says "If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?" and the other "Who cares, I'm young and beautiful, that's all that counts." This badge too which cost $1.50 which says "It is tough being cute and sexy, but someone has to do it! Some tapes for decor usage and a chain or whatever with my name on it.

And oh ya check these 2 photos out...

The purple mobile's mine and the pink one Ana's. The sneakers are Bernise's and slippers Ana's. Arn't we pink freaks????