Don't even have the mood to go to school tomorrow. So many homework piling up already especially figure drawing. I have not even started what was given since the first week of the second term. It seems like school is getting boring day by day. It's like right now I have this feeling of not even going to school and I am always dilly dallying when I am getting ready for school. Take today for example I woke up at 6:30am but then I laze in bed until almost 7:20. Then I went out of the house at 8:15 and by the time i reach school its almost 9:30. Sleepless nights just to complete all the work too. I've been sleeping at almost 2/3am everyday.
Ok lah I think I should cut that crap. Anyways today's ink painting lesson was so boring.. cuz we finished the work at 10am. Then after that we just kept going out of the classroom. Went to the canteen, Bugis and also the library. Can't even find a single shit of Pop Art for my History Project due on Tuesday. Heading down to Jurong Library tomorrow if I am not tired to do some research. I don't want anything to repeat just like last term... having to do the project for the last minute kills.
Have been yawning the whole of today... more than 10 times more than 20 even I think I can't remember exactly how many but all I know is that I am so tired. I want a break!