I was supposed to update last night but I couldn't. Anyway mom is on leave for 3 days, yesterday, today and tomorrow! Including saturday so it makes 4. Anyway, I did went to Ikea in the end with my mom and sis. Bought glasses for the Teachers' Day gift. It cost like $2.00 for 4 glasses, pretty cheap as to say and also some other stuffs. My sis got herself a pink stool, I didn't know she got it, I wanted to buy it but on second thoughts I did not. She bought some photo frames as well (Teachers' Day Prezzie once again). After that we ate hot dog buns at Level 1 and took a taxi to PS to get paints at Spotlight. They have lotsa stuffs. So I got what I wanted then met Ana and she passed me my bag (she was meeting Tofu haha). Had drinks at Mos Burger and I didn't know there was one there, and me and sis got board shorts each at OP.
At the meantime while typing this entry I am helping Ana with her site. Doing 4 things at a go. Helping her, chatting, listening to music and updating my blog. LOL back to blogging. I am so bored now. Planning a gathering is hard, especially when everyone have different time slots. Argh! This sucks.
Finally done Ana's web. She did a lot for the coding without my help thats really good. When did I become a tutor at HTML. Lolx. I am still not really good at this whole HTML thingy but I am trying my best at it. Yeah that reminds me I must try my best at studying too. !!!! It's a must. I wasted a year already. I won't wanna waste another. Blah blah blah...