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Showing posts from 2004
finally the long awaited holidays are finally here. have been having sleepless nights just to finish up all the projects but everything was worth it cos in the end i get my break from school! so i slept for 19 hrs last night. i am such a pig. and now i am wide awake. headed to town today to chill. bump into many of my ex classmates like ana and angel. went to ps to find san & bernice . really hate staying home sometimes since its so boring and the bed is just so tempting. i keep going back to sleep even though i'm up for a couple of times. anyways will be going out on mon, tue and maybe wed but not sure yet cos we need to plan on seeing who is free and stuffs. heading to wild wild wet . never been there before can you imagine that? i am suck a nerd. lol. anyways i'll be making use of my time well and prolly find a part-time job or something for side income. i so need the cash. i'll be off to update my links, the webcam image and some other stuffs. ciaos
seems like another huge rock has been lifted and i am left with ve and i am done. start doing it later. stayed up last night to complete my final work for figure d. it's finally done but sure look like crap. haha. didn't have time to colour the skies and stuffs. took me ages to finish drawing the 4 fairies and the tiny little goblin or something but it's over now so its all good. and actually i just woke up for my nap this afternoon. was damn bored as usual so all of us headed to the library to wait and i fell asleep. which collecting our pieces, goh told us that we did pretty well for our figure d. all of us have got at least 70 and above and 1 or 2 have a 60+ and well i hope one of them is not me. prays hard. after leaving school we headed to bras basah to collect our chinese painting. talking about it, i suck at this module, i totally can't stand the smell of the ink and everything i paint always look wet. bought french curves for my ve. since i am doing on lotsa cur...
finally i am done with my basic d. collage but somehow i dont think it as nice as it should have been. i've been rather not in the mood for work lately. guess its due to the upcoming holidays. just can't wait. all i am asking for is just a well deserved break. anyhows, i'll be coming later to complete up my figure d. i just hate figure d. i am still down with these to do: 1) hands x2 2) face x1 3) perspective x1 4) final piece damn i just can't think of any nice figures to draw for the final one... can anyone give me ideas?
the links on my webpage are outdated, have to take time out to edit them. anyways, just had dinner. slept at 4pm and just woke up not long since the thunder was so loud that it could've woke the dead. school was pretty much it today. started on my collage for basic. at least its something i enjoy doing very much. pasting of magazines cut outs. fun! ok, i sound practically insane now. couldn't finish my figure d. on time yesterday so iguess it's going to be another long day tml and the day after. will be heading down to spotlight and kino tomorrow to get hold of some stuffs. having flu once again. i totally hate my nose. i hate sinus, its bad. i need more vit c(no not the singer). ok thats about it i am off to hit the sacks once again.
bloody hell!!! today is totally not my day. i didnt turn up for lesson for ink painting since i wanted to sleep for a few more hours. then i receive a call from a classmate telling me that if i don't turn up to show the teacher my work i'll get a straight zero. so i rushed in getting change and all and when i leave the house wanting to take a taxi it started to rain so i comtemplated on whether i wanted to bring my umbrella, but i did not go back. took a taxi all the way down to middle road and it cost me $12.70. after that we just have to bring home our ceremics work and bring it back tomorrow. fuck! i've lotsa things to bring tomorrow.. n i hate it. not only that, i went to class to show the lecturer my ink painting and he ask me to redo the birds. argh!! whatever it looks abit screwed. so i've to bring it back tomorrow. now i've tons of things to complete.. ive to add some flowers and vases to my perspective and finish up the hands n outline of the figure drawin...
back to blogging mode again. i just couldn't get away from not blogging for a few days, just make life incomplete. anyways i can't really think of a new layout at the moment, so you guys have to bare with this current one for the time being. hopefully by mid of dec i'll have a x'masy layout up. have been really busy lately. lack of sleep and stuffs due to rushing on the projects for the assessment. i'll be trying to complete my figure drawing and chinese ink painting tonight... damn i've to redo everything cuz the ones that i did wasn't good enough to the teacher's standard. =( i bet all my classmates are burning midnight oil as well. at least i manage to get my perspective done right this time and i've just got to add in some plants and so on for both the living room and bedroom. anyways i guess i'll head back to my figure drawing now. ciao!
ok so i m still not done with my pop art essay on social commentary or mere show-off i've like 5 days to work on it. it's 1/4 done at the moment and am quite please with it at the moment. so today was simply a wasted trip to school. figure drawing lesson is just a waste of time! i reached school at almost 10am which is like an hour late. then after hearing the 15 min or 30 min briefing on what we are gonna do for our final project, we had a 30 min break at macs then came back at 11am, read 8days and left at 11:30. headed to the library after that and it started to rain so i fell asleep while waiting for the rain to stop. headed home and didn't feel like going out after that cuz i was just too tired and it the weather was so fine.
don't really have the mood to go to school this morning. woke up at 7 and then headed back snoozing for another 15mins. gonna get ready in 3 mins time. sounds so precise. anyways, as i was saying for yesterday's tutorial lesson, we had a field trip to the singapore tyle print institute . it was located somewhere near mohammad sultan. didn't know until yesterday. the interior was surprising spacious compared to what you see on the exterior. first there was like a briefing and a 20mins clip on frank stella and after that is was a tour around the building and thats about it. started to rain when we were about to leave the place. thank goodness i brought my umbrella. took a bus 64 down to ps and walked all the way down to heeren. thank goodness the bus we took did stop at ps if not we had to change to another bus since we thought we took the wrong bus. lol. so it's wednesday again. time flies and another boring lesson again. i don't feel like going to school but i...
getting out of the house real soon. most probably at 8. managed to finish watching episode 1 of the ashlee simpson show. now i am on to episode 2 but it seems like it hasn't finish downloading so ol' wells. yay for my pc because it seems like it has recovered. not really too sure about it, but i better keep my fingers crossed. the monitor still give me some problem and sometimes staring too hard at it gives me a headache. will be heading to the tyler print at clark quay later in the afternoon. have never been there. hope it isn't boring. that's the thing i hate most about field trips. it seems to be never interesting unless you really goof around. and i also got some neoprints scanned, so i'll post them in the next entry when i get home. time to get to sch. byes.
Haven't been updating for a while since there are some problems with my pc. Gotta find the Win XP cd and reformatt the whole thing. And I so need a new monitor. Mine's flickering already. It's spoilt!
DAMN IT!!!! MY PROJECT CAN'T BE OPEN!!!!!!! IVE TO PRESENT 2 WEEKS LATER! DAMN JINXED!!! So I've already made up my mind about the course, I opted for VC Graphic Designing/Advertising. It's more on what I like compared th MM since MM is more on animation and I can't imagine sitting in front of the PC for 2 months to create an animated video. It's just not me, I don't have that patience in me to start a work from scratch and work all the way up for 2 months and worse, the same thing. So I finally finished my VE!!!!! But it looks like shit. I forced myself to finish it up yesterday and ended up sleeping at nearly 4am. And can you believe it that I am still not in bed now? Insane. Boring lesson tomorrow. Think I'll be taking long breaks again. Anyhows will be staying back in school to complete my assignments with the girls. Hope it all goes well and I won't end up pigging out again. :P
Seriously there's something wrong with Blogger . I can't seem to upload long entries. It's just so irritating that it gets on my nerves everytime where I see the error notice. Next. Today was ultra boring as usual. AJ came over to use the net. She's back from Myanmar again. Missed her dearly. If u were wondering wad does AJ stands for, well its Aunty Jenny. LOL I am just to lazy to type out in full. I slept till like 11:30 and started watching the TV and read some novels that she passed to me this morning. Really nice I should say. I really miss reading. And I haven't do so for the longest time as there are really lotsa other stuffs for me to do at this point of time. So I usually read at night before I go to bed. And also I bought 2 mangas on Saturday after my trip to JRL. Damn nice. Gonna get the other volumes tomorrow. But only until vol. 3 so sad. And the current ones that I am reading. Damn no new arrivals gotta wait until my hair turn white man. OK i think i...
Don't even have the mood to go to school tomorrow. So many homework piling up already especially figure drawing. I have not even started what was given since the first week of the second term. It seems like school is getting boring day by day. It's like right now I have this feeling of not even going to school and I am always dilly dallying when I am getting ready for school. Take today for example I woke up at 6:30am but then I laze in bed until almost 7:20. Then I went out of the house at 8:15 and by the time i reach school its almost 9:30. Sleepless nights just to complete all the work too. I've been sleeping at almost 2/3am everyday. Ok lah I think I should cut that crap. Anyways today's ink painting lesson was so boring.. cuz we finished the work at 10am. Then after that we just kept going out of the classroom. Went to the canteen, Bugis and also the library. Can't even find a single shit of Pop Art for my History Project due on Tuesday. Heading down to Jurong ...
& so I've decided to get a new layout up after the longest the longest time. I'm halfway through so all I need is just a few more days since I've lotsa things on my hands this very moment. As usual the assignments that I've not done(since I procrastinated).
Hmmm I was suppose to start on my VE assignment on Saturday but I procrastinated for 2 days and right now I have not started. It's like I can never get all of them done they just keep coming non-stop, it's terrible. & so on Friday it rained as usual. So Zixin, Nuurul and I took a taxi from Peace Centre back to school wasting $2.40 on the trip. Blame it on me for being so careless as I left the umbrella on the piano when I was about to get out of the house. I'll remember to bring it tomorrow I hope.. but it's heavy. In the end we didn't get to go to the costume store down the road. hope that we'll remember about it tomorrow. i simply love costumes and HALLOWEEN is just around the corner.. OMG FUNNNN!!~ Woke up at 2pm yesterday, was supposed to go jogging at Botanic Gardens with Dad but I just couldn't wake up on time and he left w/o me. Instead, I stayed at home doing nothing just surfing around and being a couch potato the whole day. I feel so disgusted ...
Neoprints taken with Elaine... only 3 though. Lazy to scan the others.
It's already Wednesday, time flies.. it's already another week. Figure drawing is SUPER boring. I can't sit down and draw for 3 freaking hours w/o taking long breaks or walking around. The teacher is just TOO slack. It's nothing wrong but then again I think if he was stricter a bit, we will all do his work. Nuurul wanted to get the battery charger for her ixus 300, so we went to Funan Centre . Zixin got confused between Sim Lim Square and Funan so we ended up at Sim Lim.. LOL. So we took a longer route to the MRT station. She was contemplating on whether to get Canon A400 or something but thank god she din get that. I've a feeling that the cam sucks. Personal insticts.. hahaha. I am once again going for the SG IDOL live telecast at Mediacorp. It's a weekly routine already. Thank god I finish my Basic drawing already if not I've to act like some anti-social going home earlier than the rest. I am left with VE and I am almost done with all my assignments!!! ...
Damn terrible, having ulcer and it hurts. Finally I've done my basic drawing assignment. Left with figure and ve. Hope I can complete ve by tomorrow. I can't stand all the works piling up. Anyways, I did hair extensions instead of bleaching it since i know it will take forever to get it done and i am just impatient. Went to colour house to get 'em done. I had a bad start this morning, was down with a terrible stomach ache. Thank goodness I found a seat on the MRT if not I'd probably faint.. everything was blurry and I felt cold. Guess it was because of my empty stomach. :( But I am all good now only that my spects are giving me a headache, the degree is too deep. At least I can collect my new pair tomorrow. Can't wait. Yup, so I was late for lecture for 30 minutes. Grab 2 hash browns from Mac when I was walking to school. Thanks Nuurul for accompanying me. :P
Blogging at 2:37am.. I am insane. Hafta wake up at 6 and I am still not asleep. Anyways, just had my hair dyed a dark shade of red . Thanks from the help of my mom. It turned out good. Will be bleaching my hair tml if everything goes well. But before that I've to meet my aunt who is back from the states for a few days for breakfast. Really miss her a lot and all my cousins over there... YAWNS.
TGIF!!!! Or should I say Saturday, since its already past 12mn. Finally I get a break from school, haven't been in the best mood this week. Really tired and all. But I've been super hyper yesterday and today. Don't even know whets the matter with me! LOL!! :D OK, so I went outa house at 8:10am, was almost late. Met Justin when I was walking towards the MRT station. Been quite a while since I bumped into him at the MRT station. Haha... we talked quite a lot basically stuffs about school and the class. Reached class around 9:10am I guess. Met Nuurul on the way when we were walking to school. So basically, Basic Drawing was as BOOORINGGG as usual.. we had to colour the foreground, middleground and background from the still life pictures we found. And sad to say, I failed to complete my hard and soft objects assignment. Scored a LOW 65. That sucks can. Gotta really buck up already!! Didn't plan to go to Perspective class later on, but we still did. Act guai only.. LOL. Fini...
Seems like I have not blog for the longest time but it's only 3 days which seems like forever. Skipped school on Monday since I'd just be in school for 1 1/2 hour and that's it. Just a waste of time... though I'd have to attend one of the future lectures that is on my project, Pop Art . So I practically just stayed at home and stone the whole day away.. well it seems like. LOL... Tuesday , visual elements.. not much to be done only that I've to complete one of the 3 same designs give to us on the following week. Continued the colour wheel in class. Had a 3 hr long break before tutorials. It was quite surprising that everyone (well almost since only one was absent) completed their projects. I'll hafta start to do mine soon though its due on 2nd Nov. And about today I left home around 8 and reached school at 9:10. Met the lecturer on the way to school. Haha.. he said I was superwoman since I walk fast. Thats my usual speed only slightly faster. But I don't ...
Not in the mood for anything. Came back from dinner with a slight tummy ache and headache. Boredem is catching up on me. I just feel like slacking and not doing anything. It's just so weird, I am prone to Sunday and Monday blues. Never like any of these days. Fridays are always my favourite and so is Saturday. How I wish it was Friday again then I can go shopping with my allowance. I am fucking broke and I need cash.. oh pls will the 15 of Oct just be tomorrow. School is boring already. Lifeless, classes are boring, classmates are weird and everything in between.
The weather is so good for sleeping.. it's about to rain soon. But I doubt I'll be heading back for the sacks as I just got up. Can you imagine how blur I was?? Thinking that I've to be in school today, so I woke early as usual to realize that everyone was asleep, then I remember it is a Saturday. Having Chwee Kueh (sp?) for breakfast at the moment. Will be getting ready to head to my Grams soon. Going shopping with the family. Sounds boring but, my Aunt just came back from Myanmar so it's a plus to it. She will be flying off again on Monday, so sad. BBQ was really fun. Took lotsa spastic photos. I will pose some of the pics here one I resize them. The stingray that I brought was a success. I meant that it was nice.. since it is my first time volunteered bringing it. Thanks to Angel too if it wern't for her to tell me the brand of the Sambal Chilli Paste I doubt we'll have nice stingray last night.
Finally, I've got hold of my long awaited book. It arrived 2 days ago but only went to collect it at the post office today. Anyways, skipped school today since I didn't feel like attending the 3 hour lesson. Secondly it's because I've not finish sketching out the 15 figures and the A2 since perspective drawing. Assignments are piling up and there's basic drawing and visual elements to be coompleted as well. Damn I am going bonkers already!!!!!!!!
Just got home and got to know who was voted out of Singapore Idol . Can you imagine Jessea is OUT! She is so frickin good and she deserves to carry on. Jerry on the other hand should be the one to go. He can't sing for nuts and he seems to be faking his voice so as to make it sound unique. WTH! Singapore's got bad taste, unless well if he has got a lot of friends who voted for him. If he was to become the first Singapore Idol, it will be a joke. Went to watch White Chicks with Kian after school. It was nice, I'll rate it a 6/10. Some parts were really funny and the plot was good, just that the ending was kinda boring. But on the whole if you enjoyed Dodgeball, this will be a choice for you, cuz it's way better than Dodgeball. Let's see, we had Basic Drawing today. We combined classes with 1J for the presentation. Had to touch on soft texture. Wasn't really in the mood to draw today and basically i was taking my own sweet time and I did like only 2 sketc...
Damn what I've just type seems to be gone. F*** ! Ok as I was mentioning that I cleaned away the nail polish on my nails and now my nails are still stained with the black. Ew! But I'll try cleaning it again for the second time and I hope it comes off. Lesson was so boring, initially I thought of not going to school but for attendance sake, I went. And left at around 10 plus since there was really nothing to be done. Went to the library intead and borrowed lappy as usual to surf Friendster . It's boring stuffs, but the photos are interesting. I love looking at photos. No life! haha.. Was deciding on lunch which took us around 15 to 20 mins. We walked all the way to Kopitiam and on the way there there was this really weird old man on a bike who started talking loudly at us like as if we understood what he was saying and we just shouted back "Ya ya ya!" and applaude. Lame right? Haha. And Rachel wanted to go for the concert at SPA, since it's part of what she ne...
Just painted my nails yesterday out of boredem and it took me a hard time doing the right hand since I am a right hander and I suck at using my left hand. My left eye was itching really terribly last night that I couldn't get to bed. But thankfully I managed to dose off at around 4am, if not I'd definitely be late.
Getting really sick of my blogging. It seems all I do is type what I did on a particular day and thats it. No feelings involved no excitement wadsoever. Trying out new ways on improving my blogging tactics. Anyways the term break has finally come to an end. All I can say would be that it has been a very long and boring week, since most of my friends are busy preparing for their upcoming exams and stuff and I do miss them a lot. It has been ages since I met up with them. Though I've made many new friends along the way, my closest friends are still the ones that I've got to know in secondary school. All I can say is that they know me better than others. Woke up late as usual today, but I was lucky to be able to catch the 1pm MTV Fresh, it seems like I've been missing this show for quite a few episodes already. Didn't really have much to do too since I stayed at home all day. Not in the mood to get out of the house since I was down with a terrible headache last night and...
Another boring day have finally passed. One more day before school reopens. Well this term break have been really boring for me, there wasn't much done, all I did was slack throughout the whole week and I did not even touch on my Figure Drawing Assignment. Go figure! Anyways, at least I help my parents to carry up the groceries today. It was frickin crazy. They bought like 2 trolleys full of stuffs.. and the total was $244.xx! Geesus! But now I am a happy person, the kitchen is stocked up, I just hope my greedy sis won't eat up everything. SHE IS A REAL LIFE VACUUM CLEANER!!! DAMN!! Well thats the end of my day how boring is that? Update tomorrow. Out!
I've changed the fonts, I hope it is more readable now. Time flies, it's already Friday I really can't imagine that and I've yet to finish up my figure drawing assignments. I've been super lazy and bored this whole week. I rather be at school. Weird me. Went for a class BBQ yesterday, though only 8 turned up, we had quite some fun. The food yummilicious. Was so full after the BBQ, there were still some leftovers. Me and ZiXin went home while the rest went for a game of billiard and then over to Sharon's. Well the term break is about to end... I want school to start asap!
Haven't update for quite sometime, I've been totally obsessed with Sims 2 and that was the cause of the lack of updates and busy mode on MSN haha. If any of you guys are super obsessed with the Sims, go get Sims 2 its better! Haha.. Ok so now I am having my term break. I've been staying at home for the 2nd day. I so need to get a life by heading out tomorrow at least or I'll be going nuts. Anyways I guess most of u caught the Singapore Idol last week ya? Sylvester got thru, congrets to him. Seems like most of the girls are going gaga over him. Yeah he is cool alright lol. But I was actually quite impressed by his vocals the other day. Well I head back to my game now update tomorrow when I am less lazy.
Ok I finally finished my rendering already and the teacher already marked our work. Waited for so long since 2:30P just to get it done. Damn the lecturers are taking their own sweet time as usual. I hope that I'll manage at least a C grade. I've uploaded 3 pieces on dA . Go have a look and comment on it! Another person was killed at Bishan MRT station today. Gee its already 5 cases or so this 2 months... creepy can... haix. Talking about tv, I caught myself on the program on ch 8. I looked so ugly as usual. :x Enough crap today I need to finish up my 36 sketches for printmaking class tomorrow.
I am so bored right now and I don't even have the mood to do my projects. :( Didn't go anywhere today was too tired. Anyhows I headed to Orchard yesterday around the evening and instead of getting files I bought magazines. Thats how addicted I am to magazines. Was surfing around nokia website and somehow I got attracted to the new Nokia7270. I just like clamshell phones now even though this phone seems slightly heavy but it looks really unique to me. I so want a new phone now cuz mine sucks. Am forever changing my cell phones I can never be satisfy with one for a long while. Downloading Princess Diaries 2 now and it's taking forever. I just wish that I am watching it now. SO BORED!!! And topping that, there is a quiz tomorrow and its boring!!!!
So I finally got back my C1 copic marker from Nuurul. She took it home by accident, so I had an exuse for not doing my rendering last night. Anways I just started on it this afternoon during class. Now I manage to get the hang of the markers. It's actually pretty fun if you get the hang of it. Haha. So many stuffs to finish up. Gotta stay back in school on Monday after lecture(that reminds me there will be a quiz) to finish up my printmaking then on Wednesday I've to hand up my rendering. So many things to do so little time... finish up rendering(6 pieces) carve the lino for printmaking 30 pieces of figure drawing 36 sketches for printmaking finish up my basic drawing Thats a very long list... guess I'll start tomorrow I need my rest tonight. :) Yikes I am already in the holiday mood. I just can't wait till next next week, just hope it is on this coming monday and not the following one. I am getting sick of my hair already... have already start thinking of redying my h...
Life is a journey It can take you anywhere you choose to go As long as you're learning You'll find all you'll ever need to know You'll make it You'll make it Just don't go forsaking yourself No one can stop you You know that I'm talking to you When there's no one else Look inside yourself Like your oldest friend Just trust the voice within Then you'll find the strength That will guide your way If you will learn to begin To trust the voice within -Christina Aguilera(The Voice Within)
Figure drawing lesson was so boring. :X And I am still not done with my rendering even though I went to TCC, then to the library. Crap too much today. Nuurul, Zixin and I are all into Alicia Keys - I ain't got you.. we kept singing that like forever. It kept running through my brain for dunno how many countless times already. That song is addictive. Haix time really flies it's going to be end of the first term already. But I can't wait for the upcoming 1 week break. Feel so tired... :(
Yes, my blogging comments are back up again. Fill free to comment on my entries though they are pretty boring most of the time. Just came back from MU(Music Underground), regretted going there on a Tuesday, but my best budd and my cousin were in some HOT magazine(a newly launch mag) competition. It was like so frickin boring, the crowd was boring and the vandilation was so bad, I almost choke over the smoke. But anyway, San I love to what Xia Yan did to your eyes, it's really appealing!! Yes! I finally presented my history project, it was rather quick compared to the others and we were released at 3:30P instead of the usual 4:30P. Was meeting my friend at 5:30P, so the kind-hearted Zixin, Nuurul and Mimi accompanied me. We headed to TCC and slacked there for almost 1 and a half hour. Will be heading there after school tomorrow to complete my rendering. I have not even touch on one single piece of work. As usual because I am bad at it. Oh yes EVERYONE seems to be complaining about o...
In the school library using the lappy now. Went for lecture for only like 30 mins or so and we headed here. Damn, lectures are always boring especially if you get that frickin lecturer with monotonous voice. That will be hell man for an hour and 30 mins. Finally I am almost done with my history project. I've already delayed it for almost 2 weeks and the lecturer said I'll be penalised but whatever what can I do if I did the whole project wrongly and I mixed up the Entruscans and the Greeks. I just need to find quotes for the Greeks and Imma done.
So frickin bored now, waiting for Sam to get ready, she woke up late. The trip to the beach is confirmed but that Sandy ain't going so it means only 3 of us left. It will still be cool coz we are only going tanning. I need my tan! Mom called just now, she's at Bugis and she told me she saw the pair of Gola shoes that I wanted but couldn't find and thats like the last pair in my size and she's getting it for me. Love her to bits! Muacks, thankx! So I've totally nothing to do right now maybe write some testimonials, I still owe a bunch of people testimonials...
Just got home. Met up with WJ, went to the Creative sale in the afternoon. It was a last minute thing. It sucked can, there wasn't a huge crowd as what we expect it would be. And when we have to get out of the place we had to have our bags checked. And since WJ brought his zen touch or something along the stupid person have to even ask him to on it and ask for a receipt for a proof of purchase. Ok that sucks like who would wanna steal for goodness sake. After that, met mom and headed down to Ikea to look for a table since I am gonna have to shift my pc into my room soon.. dad is making a fuss over it cuz he wanna convert the study into his own entertainment area. Heading to the beach tomorrow so i guess I'd better go get my work done if not I'll be rushing for time again.
I am back for an update once again. The trip to Chomp Chomp on Wednesday was good only that the sting ray wasn't as good as expected because the first store was closed as one of their family member has passed on. And we ordered from the shop that was recommended by Channel U. And can you believe it? It sucked . It is Sambal Stingray but then the first taste of the Sambal makes you think of Satay sauce, and the sting ray doesn't taste like sting ray at all, but just some random fish meat. The school librarian sucks to the core can! She is so rude and all. Everyone can't stand her, so unfriendly too. She even takes photos of students who are noisy and so some people complained about how noisy our class was and she took photos of us as evidence. WTF! Lame! I am so warn out today... going to get my shower and off to do my presentation. I am such a procrastinator and I've not present my work!
Wow can you believe it? It's September already, time flies so fast, so scary. I am left with 3 more weeks before my 1 week break. Everyone seems to be busy preparing for exams and there is no escape for me either. 6 modules, 6 projects, 2 weeks 4 days to complete. This is an art student'd life, but thankfully I really enjoy what I do so it isn't a problem for me. I don't mind it at all. Off to school now.
I am starting to miss blogging altogether. It's really weird since I rarely update my blog and usually I'll do it in a fuss. But not today. Happy Teacher's Day to all the teachers out there, though its officially tomorrow. And I am so envious of my sister because she need not go to school. :S Anyhows I went back to my sec sch after my morning lesson, but somehow most of the teachers left. So sad can?! Haven't seen them for the longest time. So we(my sec sch mates) suggested on dinner on Saturday with our Physics teacher. Coolness... I hope they won't cancel it again during the very last minute. Lessons ends at 12 tomorrow. Still thinking whether I should head home before meeting my friends at 6pm or spend some time in the school library doing my research then off to Far East to get my extensions done(i miss them already).?? Decisions... What colour should I get? I scored an A for visual elements class. I am so happy... I mean like its really hard to get a score li...
Ok now I regreted saying the word envy. I didn't get any sun tan yesterday.. it was that time of the month again. Damn, I am really angry. =( But anyways, I bought another bikini, it's pink, and I am really glad. Went to JRL eventually and managed to find 4 books on Greek & Roman sacred architecture after searching high and low. The catalog wasn't really working after I spent 30 mins using it, trying my best to find one at least one book. Sucky stuffs. Wasted $6 on photostating the books since they are only for reference. Reference sections are always the coolest because there isn't any noise pollution and so on. :D Peace! Well now all I need is to extract at least 7 or 8 quotes for the Greek section and another for the Roman and then explain. So I guess I start reading all the notes. Bloody hell. I need to get a good mark for my project. I am still stuck with my assignments, visual elements on shapes and space, figure drawing, basic drawing and rendering. Ok gtg n...
I was suppose to be in school today, but i skipped lessons. Well not, I am on MC now after going to the doc for constipation. I don't really have the habit of eating greens and fruits and drinking lotsa water. I am a meat lover... gee I guess I gotta get more greens in my daily diet in order to recover fully. Anyways I'll be heading out soon. I've got a $30 voucher for Marche's and I decided to share it with Sam instead. Gtg peeps, update tonight, if possible.
So I'll be getting ready for school soon. Gee I wonder where has the wind gone, there isn't the slightest bit of wind this very moment. I've been losing all my stuffs lately. One minute it's here the next it isn't. I need to start tidying up my room before losing something else again. I really can't stand the state of my room right now, its just so messy . I'll start packing later when I get back from school. I really detest tidying up my room now since most of the rubbish ain't mine, my mom loves dumping stuffs in like as if my room is some sort of a dumping ground??! Maroon5 rawks! Getting addicted to their music. They have got some really catchy tunes.
Have any of you done anything that you regret in life or maybe just some stupid random stuffs? Well I sure did and its all the time. And I totally hate it. I don't really know how should I put it but thats just it. There is nothing you can do only just sit back and think...
Finally my blog has recovered. Sorry for the lack of updates, there was some errors with the ftp but its finally solved. There has been lots going on when i was "away" . yah so the mediacorp ch8 producers came down yesterday. i received a call on thursday during sculpture lesson but somehow i didn't feel my phone vibrating so i gave them a call on the train and they told me that i was shortlisted as one of the candidate in the school belle and beau contest. and also that they wanted to see how i look and an interview with some questions. so i met them at 12:15P at my school's tcc and it was nerve wrecking. i was so sick yesterday(still down with headache that lasted for 2 days thu and fri) and i went to school without my jacket and it made the headache worse. my mouth was chattering the whole time. but anyhows the producer was like telling me that my face was sharper in the photo than in real life which is true because i usually place the camera up instead of front an...
Gawd the weather is so humid, and how can I miss today's outing to the beach! Argh, my friend said that he would call to confirm the time but then, nothing was planned and everything was cancelled so in the end I met Sam at Orchard. Ok so I got my haircut, it's really short compared to what I had before and this is my first time since sec 3 that I've such a cut. :P Now I can style my hair as I please. :D So I am getting my allowence tomorrow and Imma gonna shop till I drop, so many things I wanna get. OK enuff of those crap anyhows I wanna go wash up already, just reached home.
Reached home at about like 4P yesterday. Was so tired that I practically just knock out once I step in. I don't really know if I was really that tired since I slept during the whole train ride home. And there was this embarassing moment last week.. I knocked my head on the glass beside the corner seat 3 times that the guy who was leaning against it turned around and gave me this very weird look. Hahas. At least not really a lot of people notice so it's all cool. Figure drawing lessons later... I am already feeling bored. The teacher is kinda lame all he tell us about would be China and nothing else. He is really into Buddhism and all he wears are practically in the shades of Orange and Yellow. Real monk look-a-like and everything. He even wears this really huge bunch of beads around his neck... those that the monks uses whilst praying. I am trying my best to update everything on the content page I somehow still can't figure out how to get the links into a new pop-up instead...
Just updated some crap yesterday, wasn't in much of a mood for a proper update wadsoever. Anyways I am preparing to head for school already. I've only got a 3 hour lesson today because the tutorial for today is cancelled. :D Yipee! I never really liked tutorial or lectures, they are fricking boring. Anyways I am stuck doing designs for Visual Elements. Lines are crap and I am still thinking really hard for some ideas.. anyone can help? :P I don't know why but it's always during the very last minute that I can produce really good work. Funny eh? Well I guess it's different in everyone. This is a procrastinator way to excel. LOL. Alrights its time to talk about what I've been up to. Been busy.. lotsa dinners on Sundays and stuffs but I don't really know what are they for anyway. Caught the fireworks display on Sunday at the Esplanade and it lasted for around 7 mins. I enjoyed every moment of it and it truly worth the wait especially the grand finale. Cool stuf...
Bloody hell almost all my things are gone missing. I don't get how the stuffs went missing. My new blusher, my digicam, 3 roxy visors/cap, my discman, chargers for the discman and digicam, perfume. How can this happen I mean it's just gone. So completely fucked up. It might be my sister's friend... I just have got a feeling about it but I can't really say anything until I search the entire house.
Procrastinating again. But at least I manage to draw out the squares. Too tired today, it has been raining and the weather is so good to fall asleep. Anyways it has been raining for the past few days and it's really bad because I've to postponed the trip to the beach on Saturday to another week instead. I can't get my tan without any sun as well. Lesson starts at 10:30A and ends at 12:00P tomorrow. Boring lecture, I bet I'll be sleeping throughout. Last Monday's lecture was a killer. The lecturer spoke so monotonously that he was just reciting from the notes, like saying some prayers. Damn. Instead of listening I was playing games, chatting and playing with the cam on my cell phone. Going bonkers. This week will be another hell for me... sleeping late as usual and stuffs lol. I have not even start on my History project due on 24 August! It's not that I wanna keep reapeating how busy I am the fact is simple, it's just it, so dont go tell me nonsense.
After a long night, I finally finished all my assignments of this week. I will start on my other assignments tonight and so on so that I wont have to rush on everything for the last minute anymore it really sucks. Had Printmaking lessons yesterday and the teacher went mad at us for bringing A3 size drawing block instead of an A2 size. The prblem lies with her tell us to get either A3/A2 and not A2 alone! She even reprimanded us to get it and also that we didn't take her lesson seriously. If we didn't we could have just leave the class w/o continuing on the rest of the lesson. I am like yawning away right the very moment as I type out this entry. God am I tired. I dont even have time ti finish up reading my novel. But its alright. Packing my bag now. I've lotsa things tooo bring today! Damn it's going to be heavy once again and I still havent think of what to wear yet lol.
Just completed my sketches for figure drawing class tomorrow. Boy am I tired. Fell asleep in the train as usual today. Damn, I am so forgetful, I didnt bring my earphones with me and so I can't listen to any music on the way to and from school. Argh! Careless me. Had a 3 1/2 hrs break today since my first lesson ended at 11:30A instead of 12P. Went to the nearby food centre for lunch. The noodle sucks thats all I can say even it is cheap. So after that we went back to school, to the library. And somehow our discussion went to loud, and the librarian reprimanded us like twice. We kept playing with our camera phones and using the computers to check friendsters and stuffs. :P And there's this chinese guy in my class who doesn't like to smile when taking pictures, forever acting cool because he thinks his teeth doesn' look good. Thats about it lah I am too tired to type already. And I received the book The Da Vinci Code from Zixin. Super addicted. Call me a bookworm.
So I took longer than expected to finish up my VE assignment. Some last minute work whick took me forever to do. :( I will be having figure drawing tomorrow so I'd better pull up my socks and start sketching on the 6 figures plus the Iron Man. I so don't wanna be working until 1am everyday just to finish up my drawings. So unhealthy. Went to the school library before heading for lecture yesterday. Did I ever told you guys about the encounter in the school library on my first visit?? Yes?? No? Nevermind I'll just go ahead and type out what happened. The libraian is super unfriendly. She should just tell us in a kind voice that we couldn't discuss our work in the library, only do research... and we can't move the chairs from their original position. Thats so weird. Like whatever... I doubt I'll be hanging out much in the school library since the National Library will be ready by end of the year. Coolness yeah? Met up with my pri sch mates. Yenchew, Sheila and Jean...
I am almost recovered from my phlegm. I won't be able to drink any soft drinks this week so as to let it fully recover. Hope I am determined enough to do it. Everyone seems to be getting sick, most of my classmates are having block nose and sore throats while some others are down with cough. Now somehow I spread my cold to my mom and sis. My dad and I are fully recovered... well almost. So I went to Causeway Point with mom yesterday and bumped into Nat at Metro. She thought I was working there since I was helping mom to pick out some tops. :) I love the necklace she was wearing. It's a diamond studded alphabet pendent. Seems like my stuffs keep going missing for the past few weeks. I wonder what happened. I guess it's just that or that my room is just too messy to find them. Guess I've to take some time to really tidy my pig sty soon or else even more things will get lost and I've to buy them over again.
Woohoo, how cool is this, my dad got me 2 pair of Levi's and somehow the sales assistant packed the wrong jeans for me. So I've gotta go down all the way to Plaza Singapura during my break or something to change the jeans. Thank goodness its only a pair and not both. I manage to get hold of all my art stuffs finally. Practically spent around $150 or so buying everything. Copic markers are so expensive. One for around 5 plus bucks. At least I've got the privilidge card if not I'll be spending even more of what I could have saved. Anyhows while I was on my way home, a man sitting beside me started asking me what did I buy the plastic board for and so I just told him and ended up we talked from commonwealth station to Jurong East. He kept asking me about art school and hows everything there and so on. Ok actually there isn't any much difference between Polys and Art schools they are equally stressful. Studying was never easy. I got sarbo-ed for the School Belle and th...
Blogger fricking sucks. I typed out a very long entry this morning and poof its gone. Damn! Anyhows I just came home not long. I'm getting busy already. I've to start doing research on Egypt and also on the Roman/Greeks temples and state their differences by quotes that I find with my research. Lotsa work and I still have a figure drawing due tomorrow that I've not done. Slacked too much. I've been spending almost all my allowances on foods, art supplies and unnecessary stuffs. Was out yesterday and so was I today. There was a 3 hrs break and we decided to head to Orchard and I ended up getting 2 magazines. And did I mention I was at Orchard yesterday as well. I bought 2 tops and some other stuffs and took a neoprint. It has been ages since I took one of those photo stickers. Seems somehow weird. Thinking of changing my hairstyle again but haven't really think of a new style and stuffs, BORING! Ok I am sniffing away. Down with nose block. Don't even know how it ...
I haven't really been updating my blog. School pretty much occupy most of my time and the other half of the time will be spend shopping, since my school is so near town and stuffs. Anyhows I had my shopping spree yesterday. -2 shoes -1 slippers -1 bag -3 ankle socks -1 necklace -2 tops -an umbrella -cell phone strap -bed sheets/quilt cover set I wasn't in much of a shopping mood lately so yesterday was pretty much a plus. So eventually I got so many stuffs. These few days in school have been quite slack since most of the lecturers have not really started on the whole lectures and lessons yet. We just had briefings on what to get and stuffs to prepare for the following lesson next week. I am glad that the time table I'd gotten isn't a crappy one and the latest time I get dismissed from school would be 4:30P. I am a lucky biatch. So I guess I'll be coming straight home after school today to continue on the content pages. Gtg, ciao!
I left my computer on the whole night. I was practically too tired to surf the net after the long hours in school. There was a 3hrs break in between the lessons, eventually me plus 3 of my class mates headed down to Orchard for lunch at Scotts's food court. There wasn't much people anyways. After that we had a tutorial on History of VA. Ok, it's totally boring and there are lotsa things to do. I can already feel the stress that I am going to get this term. But on the lighter note I sould say that we do have some pretty cool lecturers. OK, I'll update tonight since I am going off soon.
I am officially back. This isn't a new layout wadsoever. It was actually for my Lj, I just edit some parts of it. Yeah, I am not bored anymore and I'll be busy real soon. School has started, but I don't have class today, so tomorrow would be the first day. Got my time-table last Saturday. The earliest I get out of school is at 1:30P on Weds and the rest are all either 4:30P/5:30P. But at least I've tutorials on Tues only. :) The orientation was on Fri and Sat. It was super boring. There was this ice breaker game whereby all of us have to remember each of our classmate's name that is sitting before us, and if we don't recall, we'll have to do a forefeit. Thankfully I did manage to recall all 12 of their names. I so hate doing forefeits. Anyways I left after lunch wasn't much fun anyways. And I've to go back on Sat to collect my time-table and ended up listening to the president's talk. Boring!! And I've got my hair extentions done on Friday to...

Broke but enjoying life

I've got to kick this bad habit of mine which is lying on the bed to read everynight. My eyesight is getting from bad to worse and I don't wanna get blind. It's just that I can't find a comfy spot to read other than the bed. :) Went out with Sam today. We were supposed to meet at 12:30p, but somehow she had to cook lunch for her mom who is ill and so we changed the time to 1:00p but I suggested that we meet at 1:30p so I could get an hour of sleep more. Eventually we met at 2:00p! Haha its so crazy. :D Anyhow, Dawn(cousin) came down to find us at Raffles City. We were already getting really bored walking around the whole shopping centre. When we got into Esprit, a crowd caught my eyes. Haha... as usual! And there was 4 guys living behind the display windows. They had made a home out of the space give and time giving to be living in it. It's something to do with the art festival. Check this out! The are really wacky! And I caught some snaps with my mobile. You guys ...


Somehow I feel closer to my cousin lately. We have been close on the exterior but we never really share secrets and stuffs. But lately everything somehow changed and I am really glad it did. It's good to have someone to share your secrets with. Been pretty busy this whole week or should I say month since it is coming to an end. Firstly, I've applied for the Sentosa Islander and I've got free admission whole year round! Yipee, means more of the beach! And I received another letter from my soon to be school. Orentations on the 9 and 10 of July. So fast! Its time I take notice to my site. It's bad abandoning it just like that. So, yups I am going to work on the sections.


WOOT, I am back from chalet 2 days ago! Rather enjoyable if not for the random boring moments. Ha! I am getting really crappy here, I guess the sun has fried up my brain and it's partially damaged! lol. I am back kicking once again... So, once again I am heading down to the beach today. I just went there last Saturday and well you've guessed I've got a rather nice an even tan. The before and after is rather obvious and I am loving it so much that I'm craving for another tanning so I can get yep darker in fact. Sue me! I also did update my dA if you had not notice with new updates go check out and throw comments on them! Hurry! And I caught Van Helsing yesterday. It was rather late to catch it but what beats free tickets to the movies!!!! Well on the whole I'd give it a 4 out of 5. Maybe I am just going gaga over Hugh, but whatever. I enjoyed every moment of the show even though Dracula's 3 wifes were f*cking irritating. Haha... they only scream and go crazy ...

& so what if?

So what if my blogs are getting boring? So what if no one visits my site anymore? So what if I don't update my website regularly? It doesn't matter anymore. I did this site practically for myself to express how I feel, but on another hand it didn't really help much and now it has become a chore to update this blog everyday. And so I visited the zoo with WJ and Sam yesterday. We were supposed to meet at 8am, but I practically woke up at 8:05 after the phone started to ring. I had like only 45mins of sleep all thanks to my irregular sleep hours. But thankfully I did not start dosing off on the bus. I guess the coffee that I had at Macs did the trick and kept me awake for almost the whole day. I did took a couple of photos on the way, but we were rather bored out by the whole humid temperature so we kept resting. The zoo did change quite a bit I should say. It has become small and less fun.. it might be because I am a grown up now or simply the zoo doesn't appeals to me...


I've been bumping around lately. Nothing really important to do, just finding random stuffs to fill up my day. My room and computer area is back to square one again. I can never keep my stuffs tidy for more than 3 days. It's totally sucky since i am a person who hates clutters, but then it so doesn't make sense when my room is in such a state. It always seems like when I feel like updating my blog, I'll be either super tired or not so in the mood to do it. It's getting way off hand at times and not like a habit at all. At times I don't even know if there's really a point in this whole website and this whole blog since I rarely talk about my thoughts. There was a stage where I keep talking about how I personally feel about stuffs and somehow it has become much boring to me and now I am into the whole "what did i do today" kinda thing. It's sorta making me feel stupid and lame. Ha... I might just as well ignore this whole blog and just update fre...

Busy but it has been all about fun!

Thanks everyone for wishing me Happy Birthday and also to those who gave me presents , I really appreciate it. I really enjoyed myself yesterday. Met my friends and we had dinner at The Cafe Cartel at Raffles City. It's been a while since I met up with you guys, that made my day. We have to get together again before school starts and everyone will be busy again. Had dinner with my parents today. Had Japanese at Sakae Sushi . I really love having them around, they are really cool especially my mom . After dinner, mom stopped by Isetan Scotts Private Sale. There were heaps of people at the entrance itself and when u step in it's a flood . Not cool, since I pretty much hate crowds . Got some tops from Mango and mascara from Anna Sui. They had mad discounts going around the store and everyone was busy snatching stuffs. Pretty much sale spirit . Anyway, I've been pretty much busy with lotsa stuffs lately. I'll be going for chalets , hanging out at the beach , shopping fo...

Happy B'day to ME!

I officially turn 19 today. Happy 19th birthday to me. It's my last and final year of being a teenager and I'd offically be an adult soon. Thinking about that makes me envy those who are younger. Not fun! Life will be different once you are 21. Many people think that once you are 21 , time flies faster than usual and I think I might just agree to that. Ok so tomorrow has been planned. I will be heading over to Sandy's at 11:00a for a swim. Then around 2:00p, I'd be meeting Ana . After her interview we'd head down to meet Sam and of cuz we'd be shopping like usual and waiting for the rest before having dinner together. Thats about it. Nothing really special, but with friends around, that's the coolest thing anyone can ask for. Good for me, coz I'll be heading down to the beach real frequently this whole month. I have officially become a beach bum . Oh how I love the sun, sand and sea! Damn, I am still not happy with the colour of my skin right now, coz i...

Beach Bum

Yep, I've heaps of fun with my girlfriends today, since it has been ages since we'd met up. Met them at Clementi at 11am and Jun Yong drove us to Harbour Front where we took a bus into Sentosa. The weather was great and the beach wasn't packed at all which is good. I hate it when it gets all crowded and you can't even find a suitable spot to sun tan. Crossed the bridge over to the Southern Continent or wadsoever and we just lay there for 3 plus hours! Thankfully we bought some tidbits and 7up Ice if not we'd have already fainted. It was already 5 plus when we headed to Harbour Front shopping mall and we had Pastamania for dinner. Yummilicious!! Shopped around and came home!... ok it's rather boring hearing me rant so here are some pics for you to enjoy... ps: we took about 180+ photos today. I'll upload them soon.

sentosa, here i come!!

I'll be heading to the beach tomorrow! Good stuff eh? The weather has been really good lately. All the heat and the sun. I smell summer. Will be heading down with 2 of my high sch classmates, we'll definitely enjoy sun tanning. Right now I need sleep... *eyes closed.

Mother's Day Tomorrow

So tomorrow's Mother's Day. I got her a gift at the very last minute, it's nothing really special but I hope she likes it. This is like the first ever gift I got for her on Mother's Day. Usually I'll just d.i.y a card for her or even forget about the whole thing. Yes, it's very bad of me but sometimes it's just that you simply forget or you simply can't be bothered. Time ran really fast today. Met my cousin at 2:15pm and we shopped around to find something suitable and she decided to get a cookbook for her mom whereas Soph and Sam got their moms handbags. As for me, I got my mom some lavender hand lotion. Sounds cheesy but I think she will like it. Anyhows Soph did a last minute decision whether to get her mom the handbag from Bonia and she decided upon it only after the shop is about to close and we were like the last custormers to leave the place. It's really cool, the security nor the staffs rushed us out of the store, in fact they told us to take...

Fresh Start

This is what I want for myself, a new start to everything. What is passed have already past by and I don't want to dwell on it anymore. Sorry for that I haven't been updating my blog lately. My com has been down for quite sometime due to some viruses. Both my hard disks were crashed and I've to redo the whole thing. My com is also reformatted and so most of the stuffs are gone. But its all good, all the rubbish in my com are gone, no more slow functioning and hanging of the com. Won't really be online a lot these days, chatting online is getting really boring.